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Are You Prepared? IMAP's Axel Fuhri Snethlage and Jan-Pieter Borst are interviewed by Offshore Industry magazine about the Oil and Gas industry

Analysts and experts voice their thoughts and expectations about the oil and gas industry. Whatever analysts foresee, the fact is that many leading companies need to change their point of view and adjust their strategy in order to survive and to regain control again.

Analysts and experts voice their thoughts and expectations about the oil and gas industry. Whatever analysts foresee, the fact is that many leading companies need to change their point of view and adjust their strategy in order to survive and to regain control again.

An observation of an industry from a corporate angle.  Read the interview with Axel Fuhri Snethlage and Jan – Pieter Borst from IMAP Netherlands in the latest issue Offshore Industry.

Read the full article here

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