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Deal Announcement - Business Services - Holland Contracting

Holland Contracting, a temporary employment agency specialized in Central and East European workers in the horticulture sector, was acquired by Staffing Associates.

Staffing Associates is a temporary employment agency active in the transport, logistics, food, production and technical sectors. The company operates with a franchise formula and several brands: Carrière, HappyNurse, Career Factory and Staffing Direct. Staffing Associates generates more than €150 million in annual revenue, has more than 5,000 active temporary workers on a daily basis on its roster and operates with more than 35 locations.The combined entity is able to increase its service offering to its clients through the national network of Staffing Associates and local recruitment capabilities of Holland Contracting in Poland and Romania. The acquisition significantly improves the position of Staffing Associates in the horticulture sector and the combined entities have more commercial capabilities. 

The IMAP Netherlands team, led by Remco Schouten, Cees van Vliet and Wouter Mostert, advised the shareholder of Holland Contracting throughout the sale process. J. de Jong, Founder and Managing director of Holland Contracting, commented: “I am extremely satisfied with the transaction and the role of IMAP. The process took longer than expected due to circumstances, but IMAP knew how to keep all parties involved and remained calm and collected; they never gave up!”

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