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IMAP Netherlands and 1602 Capital Partners Join Forces

IMAP Netherlands and 1602 Capital Partners ("1602"), have joined forces. The merger marks an important step in the growth ambitions of both firms, which will continue under the name “IMAP Netherlands”.


IMAP Netherlands now comprises 40 M&A professionals, with offices in Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and Sittard. With a combined deal flow of more than 40 M&A deals up to 2023, it is among the leading M&A advisory firms in the Netherlands. Furthermore, through its partnership with ICC Consultants, an experienced team of debt and treasury specialists, based in Utrecht, it provides clients with debt advisory and treasury services.


Jean Luc Zeguers, Dennis van der Linde, and Remco de Roij from 1602 will now sit as Partners alongside Jan-Pieter Borst, Balthazar den Breems, Remco Schouten, Guillaume Petit, and Casper Sikkema at IMAP Netherlands.


The partners at IMAP Netherlands explained the reasons for the merger:

"We are all greatly looking forward to working with the 1602 team, which, under the leadership of Jean Luc Zeguers, and Dennis van der Linde, has an excellent reputation and track record, and brings years of M&A experience and relationships with key players in the market. With 1602 we gain greater visibility in the East Netherlands and South Netherlands regions, and together, we will strengthen the quality of our services and our position as one of the leading M&A advisories in the Netherlands."


On behalf of 1602, Jean Luc Zeguers and Dennis van der Linde commented:

"We are excited to join with IMAP Netherlands, a strong brand known for its high-quality services. Together, we will further strengthen the brand, the team’s expertise, and quality of services. The merger also provides new opportunities and learning experiences for our employees, with both teams complementing each other well. We can now take on more buy-and sell-side transactions, in more sectors, both nationally and internationally, while remaining entrepreneurial and focusing on the client, quality, and collaboration."

Jan-Pieter Borst


IMAP Netherlands

Guillaume Petit


IMAP Netherlands

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