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Pablo Gómez Promoted to Partner at ALBIA IMAP – IMAP Spain

The promotion recognizes his outstanding career and contribution to the firm’s growth.

With over eight years at the company, Pablo has participated in and led more than 30 M&A, valuation, and refinancing projects in strategic sectors such as Industrial, Automotive, and Transport & Logistics. Additionally, he is responsible for developing the Transport & Logistics area, consolidating ALBIA IMAP’s position in this market, and ranking among the global experts within IMAP.

Coming from Banco Santander in Germany, Pablo brings solid financial experience and in-depth knowledge in the Mergers and Acquisitions sector. He holds a Degree in Business Administration and Management and in 2019, completed a Master’s in Corporate Finance with distinction from the Instituto de Empresa.

With this appointment, ALBIA IMAP reaffirms its commitment to internal promotion and talent development, demonstrating its confidence in the potential of its team to continue advancing in the achievement of its strategic objectives and growth plan.

Pablo Gómez


Albia IMAP - IMAP Spain

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