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Under Q1 genomförde IMAP 54 transaktioner till ett totalt värde om över 3,6 miljarder USD

Denna siffra är högre än genomsnittet som publicerades Q1-Q3 2020, vilket tyder på att den återhämtning i marknaden som observerades redan under Q4, där IMAP avslutade 83 affärer vilket i sig var rekord, håller i sig även under början av 2021.

IMAP made a strong start to the year, closing 54 M&A deals worth more than $3.6 billion during Q1 2021. This figure is higher than the average posted during Q1-Q3 2020, suggesting that the rebound in market activity observed in Q4 2020, in which IMAP closed a record 83 deals, has carried over. As economies start to show signs of recovery, many IMAP partners are experiencing a ‘catch-up’ effect with transactions that were paused last year amid the crisis now back on the table and well-positioned buyers and sellers now firmly back in the market. In fact, numerous IMAP partners are fully expecting to have a record year, closing more deals than ever.

Deals were closed across 14 different sectors in Q1, with Technology, Healthcare, Consumer & Retail, and Building Products & Services the most represented. Momentum in the more COVID-resilient industries such as Technology, Education, Infrastructure and Healthcare is expected to continue, with strong appetite from both strategic buyers, as well as financial sponsors driving higher levels of activity compared to other sectors. We should point out that Technolgy and Healthcare, our two biggest sectors, now make up almost a third of our deal volume

With nearly a quarter of IMAP’s deals in Q1 being cross-border, IMAP clients benefit from the combined expertise and experience of an integrated, seamless global team, which is not only industry knowledgeable, but relationship strong, having built-up key networks over the years including local buyers, counterparties, lenders, and investors.

Jurgis Oniunas, IMAP Chairman, said

“IMAP has experienced an outstanding first quarter. We have successfully maintained the momentum from the end of last year and this, in conjunction with an extremely strong pipeline of new deals across the board, means the outlook so far is positive for the full year 2021. IMAP is maintainting its competitive advantage and finding new opportunities to serve our client base. While M&A remains at our core, more and more clients now look to us for services in other areas of investment banking, such as debt and equity advisory, re-structuring services, capital markets advisory and other services, where we see many opportunities for further growth and increased global collaboration.”


>> Click here to read the 2021 IMAP Deal Summary Q1

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