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Investment holding
Acquired Investment Interest in Seller's Business
Innovatív Térburkolat Kft
Solar panel covered building material
Advised on Recapitalization of Company

Financial avisory to Platio Solar

In September 2023, Hiventures Venture Capital Fund Management Zrt., PLT4080 Befektetési Holding Kft. and an Asian investor raised HUF 587.125.000 capital in Innovatív Térburkolatfejleszt? Kft. (PLATIO Solar). PLATIO Solar is a green-tech company, its main activity is the production of solar pavement.

PLATIO is an innovative solar pavement solution a double green building material that not only generates clean energy but it is also environmentally friendly as its base is made of recycled plastic. PLATIO solar paving solution makes the solar technology part of modern architecture. It provides a new clean energy source for homes, green companies, and smart cities and even offers e-mobility solutions. The Company is represented currently in 37 countries. The product is proven with 30+ successful installation all over the world.

The company raised capital to support its growth from Hiventures Venture Capital Fund Management Zrt. and PLT4080 Befektetési Holding Kft. who had ownership in the Company prior to the transaction, and from the new investor.

IMAP Hungary acted as the exclusive transaction advisor to Innovatív Térburkolatfejleszt? Kft. (PLATIO Solar) during the capital raise process.

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