Shaangu Power

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Shaangu Power
China-based public company engaged in the manufacturing of power equipment (turbines, compressors).
Acquired Investment Interest in the Seller's Business
EKOL, spol. s r.o.
Manufacturer of power equipment (mid-sized steam turbines) for biomass power and industrial usage.
Advised on Sale of Company

IMAP advised on the sale of EKOL, spol. s r.o. to Chinese company ShaanGu

IMAP advised on the sale of EKOL, spol. s r.o. to Chinese company ShaanGu. 

EKOL ranks among the leading Czech turbine manufacturers of power equipment (mid-sized steam turbines) for biomass power and industrial usage. A substantial part of its production intended for export.


ShaanGu is the largest Chinese producer of industrial compressors and one of the largest Chinese companies oriented to deliveries to power engineering, metallurgical and petrochemical industries.



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