Alba Industrial Holding Kft.

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Alba Industrial Holding Kft.
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
Tuzallotechnika Kft.
Industrial furnace and other heat engineering equipment construction
Advised on Sale of Company

IMAP Hungary Advises on the Sale of Tuzállótechnika

IMAP Hungary advised on the the sale of Tuzállótechnika Kft. to a group of Hungarian private investors.


Since 1990, Tuzállótechnika Kft. has been involved in the production, assembly and maintenance of fireproof masonry and steel structures related to industrial furnaces, boilers, and other thermal engineering equipment. Over the past 30 years, the Company has grown into a leading player in its industry in Hungary, providing complex solutions in a field that requires special knowledge. The Company's high professional standards are recognized not only in the domestic market but also internationally, with its products being exported to Western Europe, especially Germany.

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