F2i & HISI

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F2i & HISI
Italy’s largest independent infrastructure fund manager
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
Concessioni Investimenti Infrastrutturali (C2i)
Investment platform in the hospital PPP sector
Advised on Purchase of Company

Advised F2i, Italy’s leading infrastructure fund manager, on acquisition of C2i

F2i Sgr, Italy’s leading infrastructure fund manager, reached an agreement to acquire, through HISI Srl, Holding di Investimento in Sanità ed Infrastrutture, the 100% of Concessioni Investimenti Infrastrutturali S.r.l. (C2i) an investment platform in the hospital Public Private Partnerships sector. C2i holds the concessions for the management of non-healthcare services of the Vimercate Hospital, in Lombardy, and the Empoli and Careggi Hospitals, in Tuscany.

The sellers are connected to the British fund Infracapital, the infrastructure division of M&G.

Vitale (IMAP Italy) acted as financial advisor to F2i SGR offering support in the financial analyses, in the structuring of the transaction, in the negotiation phases and in the coordination of due diligence activities.

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