Apleona Culinaress GmbH

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Apleona Culinaress GmbH
well-established provider of high quality corporate catering services for business clients
has been acquired by
Provider of business services
advised on sale of company

IMAP advises Apleona on the sale of CULINARESS to WISAG

IMAP advised Apleona Group on the sale of its corporate catering subsidiary Apleona Culinaress GmbH to WISAG Catering Holding GmbH & Co. KG. The two companies will now jointly shape the future of CULINARESS. Following the merger with Gegenbauer Group, corporate catering is no longer determined a core business for Apleona Group.


CULINARESS is a well-established provider of high quality corporate catering services for business clients in Germany. With over 200 employees and a clear focus on sustainability and digitalization, the company is one of the pioneers in its industry. In WISAG, the company has found a value-oriented partner who shares its entrepreneurial ideas and ambitions.


With around 50,000 employees, WISAG Group offers a wide range of services for office, retail and residential properties, for industry as well as for airlines and airports.

Client testimonial

Benjamin Bubrowski, Head of M&A at Apleona Group

"Special thanks go to the team of IMAP who supported us in our search for a suitable partner for Culinaress. Their deep understanding of the market, coupled with a strong M&A expertise, contributed greatly to the success of the negotiations."

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