Poste Italiane S.p.A.

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Poste Italiane S.p.A.
Poste operates in Italy in the logistics sector, financial, insurance and payment sector
Acquired Majority Control of Business Operations
Leader in hospital logistics and medical data management and storage services
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised the shareholders of Plurima on the disposal of a 100% stake to Poste Italiane

On 18th March 2022, Poste Italiane S.p.A. signed a binding agreement for the acquisition of 100% of Plurima from the Group's shareholders for an Enterprise Value of € 130 million.


Plurima is leader in Italy in hospital logistics and document management services mainly for private and public hospitals. The Group operates with a fleet of about 290 vehicles and has a widespread presence in the regions of central and northern Italy.


In 2021, the Group generated around € 60 millions in aggregated revenues and around € 10 millions in EBITDA. The transaction has a strong strategic rationale as it will allow Poste Italiane to continue its repositioning process as a wide-ranging logistics operator.


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