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Management of the target company
Acquired Majority Control of Business Operations
Nextent Informatika Zrt.
IT service provider
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised majority owner of Nextent Informatika on sale to management

The majority owner of Nextent Informatika successfully sold his share to the Company's management (Management Buy-Out).


With more than twenty years of professional experience, Nextent is aplayer in the Hungarian IT sector. The Company has extensive professional services, such as data management, software development, system implementation and integration, business consulting, and IT process automation. The Company's clientele consists mainly of domestic subsidiaries of multinational companies and large domestic companies, which are typically active in the telecommunications sector, banking sector, energy industry and automobile industry.


The buyout creates an opportunity for the management to rely on the Company's strong fundamentals to further develop its operation and exploit its inherent growth potential by expanding its customer base and further broadening its competencies.

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