Recawi Holding AB

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Recawi Holding AB
Family owned industrial company
Acquired 90.1% of Shares
Compression molding and assembly of fiber material
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised JABA Group AB on its sale to Recawi Holding AB

Advised JABA Group, an industrial company focused on compression molding and assembly of fiber materials, on its sale to family owned industrial company Recawi Holding.


JABA Group AB specializes in the molding of textile, mineral, polyester fibers. Recawi is a private investment company with its registered office in Halmstad. The company owns National Gummi AB, National Plast AB and DX Plastic AB and the acquisition of JABA Group will strengthen the group's range to existing and potential customers further.


Recawi intends to develop JABA Group through increased resources in marketing and by taking advantage of the resulting synergies with existing contacts. The attitude of the new owner family is in many areas very similar to that which characterized the JABA Group AB, which will ensure a continued high level of service and quality in the future. IMAP advised the seller throughout the process.


Claes Rössel at Recawi Holding, said: “We found it a great advantage that JABA was represented by IMAP. It is easier to work in a structured process, whether you are the buyer or the seller, saving both parties time and to avoid misunderstandings. When it comes to more sensitive questions, it is also easier to communicate those with an advisor. In this process, there has been a good understanding from both sides, both parties have had consensus on how the company should be managed and developed, but when contacts are to be written and auditors are to review everything, issues do arise that sometimes can be difficult to discuss with the sellers directly. We experienced IMAP as professional, accurate and solution-oriented, it was very helpful to have IMAP in the process, even though they represented the sellers.”

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