Candid Group B.V.

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Candid Group B.V.
Integrated communications services
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
The Edge Initiative B.V.
Advertisement, analytics and marketing
Advised on Purchase of Company

Advised Candid Group B.V. on the purchase of The Edge Initiative B.V.

The Edge Initiative, a specialist in programmatic, automated trading, big data and data science, joins Candid Group, the largest independent media group in The Netherlands.


The Edge Initiative provides services for both demand and supply parties in the area of programmatic, automated trading and RTB. “For us, it was important to join an independent media group with similar ideas regarding programmatic buying and data science”, says Erik Geurts, founder of The Edge Initiative.


The Candid Group – located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, consists of full-service media agency labels Stroom, Head to Head, BBK Media, Het Mediakantoor, research agency Vostradamus, online marketing and development agency Lavinci and marketing news platform According to the company, the addition of the new label offers many advantages.


Gérard Ghazarian, CEO of the Candid Group: “The acquisition, I prefer to call it a collaboration, fits our strategy to link independent media entities to each other, in order to offer economies of scale otherwise only available to large international media agencies. We used to have access to exchanges through multiple parties, now we have one overall solution for that. The clients of the media agencies in our group benefit from this acquisition, because of cost reductions and technical know how on programmatic and automated trading. We’ve also looked closely at the synergie with group member Vostradamus, specializing in Data Science and Social Media.”


The collaboration offers opportunities for parties outside of our group, who want to benefit from the economies of scale previously only accessible to large agency networks and publishers. “Advertisers and agencies will be serviced better with lower costs, instead of seeing a large portion of their media budget spent on high technical fees.”, says Ghazarian.


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