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Executive Director
Puneet Singh Kochar

Puneet joined the firm in 2016 and is based in New Delhi. He leads business origination across sectors in Northern India for various service offerings of the firm. He works closely with owners/stakeholders of corporates and helps develop appropriate financial and strategic solutions. Puneet engages extensively with various industry associations, banks, government agencies, IMAP offices and the referral network of legal/accounting firms in Northern India.  

Formerly, Puneet was with Motilal Oswal for ten years (2006-16) as lead origination role in its investment banking business. Prior to this, he was part of the corporate finance team at the NBFC arm of Rabobank International and Yes Bank.  Puneet started his career with ANZ Grindlays Bank as part of commercial banking team and also served as a Rating Analyst with CRISIL.

Puneet holds an MBA in Finance from FMS, University of Delhi and a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from IIT Kharagpur.

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