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Michael Knoll

Michael Knoll is a Partner at IMAP in Germany. He has many years of experience with national and international credit institutions, initially in consulting multinational companies from the building materials, automotive and mechanical engineering industries. Since 2003, he has held leading positions of responsibility in large branches for the (financial) consulting of medium-sized companies in the heart and Southwest of Germany.

He specialises in comprehensive corporate finance consulting for the implementation of core business projects: growth by providing external equity, internationalisation through company acquisitions, as well as succession and safeguarding the continuance of the company by selling. In addition, he was responsible for complex reorganisation and integration projects, as well as regional positioning strategies within the framework of post-merger integrations.

Michael has a Degree in Agricultural Engineering. He studied Agricultural Sciences, majoring in Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Bonn. In 2014, he completed the "Executive Development Programme" of the European School for Management & Technology (ESMT) in Berlin.

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