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Senior Advisor
Fabrizio Pagani

Fabrizio joined Vitale in 2022 as Senior Advisor.

Fabrizio has spent most of his career in public service in international organizations and with the Italian government.

At the OECD, Paris, he negotiated international agreements on trade, taxation, and investments, later becoming an advisor to the Secretary-General and the OECD representative to the G20. He subsequently held the position of G20 Sherpa for the Italian government and economic advisor to the Prime Minister. For four years he was Head of the Office of the Minister of Economy and Finance, with the role of coordinating fiscal policies, steering the privatization program, promoting measures to strengthen the Italian financial sector, and attracting investment.
Most recently he was Global Head of Economics and Capital Market Strategy at Muzinich & Co.

Fabrizio is a member of the board / advisory board of several companies and was a member of the board of ENI and Chairman of Eni's International Advisory Board for six years.

Fabrizio teaches at SciencePo in Paris and at LUISS in Rome. He writes and comments on economic issues for national and international media outlets.

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