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IMAP advises listed q.beyond AG on asset deal with scanplus GmbH

With the acquisition, q.beyond expands its portfolio in the fast-growing cloud business and gains a new location with Ulm

IMAP advised the listed q.beyond AG on the acquisition of the operating business of Ulm-based scanplus GmbH, whose activities particularly focus on cloud and IT security environments. With the acquisition, q.beyond expands its portfolio in the fast-growing cloud business and gains a new location with Ulm. The transaction, which is expected to be completed most likely in early 2022, is subject to certain closing conditions.

q.beyond is one of the leading IT service providers. With 1000 employees at several locations throughout Germany, q.beyond accompanies its primarily medium-sized customers securely through the digital transformation, with comprehensive expertise in the areas of Cloud, SAP and IoT.

The highly scalable cloud portal scanplus provides automated managed IT services, such as managed connectivity and managed security for a current total of more than 700 SMEs. For this, it draws on the private and public cloud, which it commissions from Telekom Deutschland GmbH.

"We can now offer SMEs of all sizes the exact cloud solutions they need for their digitalization projects”, said q.beyond CEO Jürgen Hermann. Furthermore, q.beyond will solely market the cloud portal itself and supplement this with its own solutions.

"IMAP brought this acquisition to our attention and initiated the transaction. After we experienced IMAP on the sell side at datac, they provided us with excellent advice on the process-tactical aspects of this acquisition process" says Arne Thull, Head of Investor Relations and Mergers & Acquisitions at q.beyond, about the collaboration.

The IMAP team with Henning Graw, Andreas Widholz and Solveig Sager exclusively advised q.beyond AG and supported them in preparing, negotiating and successfully executing the transaction.

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