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US-based global investment firm
Acquired Assets from
Telecom Italia – (primary and secondary network, FiberCop, wholesale activities and Telenergia S.r.l
Fixed Network assets of Telecom Italia S.p.A., Italy-based listed telecommunications group
Advised on Sale

Advised leading Italian telecom player TIM on sale of assets related to its fixed line network to KKR

TIM Group (“TIM”), leading player in the field of telecommunication and related infrastructure, has entered into an agreement with a company owned by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. (“KKR”) for the sale of of NetCo, assets related to the fixed network of assets related to TIM’s fixed network (“NetCo”) at an Enterprise Value of € 18.8 billion, without considering any upsides associated to the potential transfer of part of TIM’s debt to NetCo and to earn-outs linked to the occurrence of certain conditions that may increase the value up to € 22 billion.

The transaction implements TIM’s strategic plan envisaging the overcoming TIM's vertical integration by separating its fixed network infrastructure assets from the services that TIM will continue to provide to its retail customers. It will allow TIM to reduce its financial debt by around € 14 billion at the closing.

The closing occurred on 1 July 2024 following the completion of the activities for the network separation and the obtaining of the necessary authorizations from the competent authorities.

The NetCo transaction is one of the largest deals in Italy,  demonstrating the strong market presence of Vitale as a financial advisor to large Italian companies and industrial groups.

Vitale (IMAP Italy) acted as financial advisor to TIM Group, providing assistance in the economic and financial analyses, definition and execution of the transaction, management of due diligence activities and negotiations with the counterpart.

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