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Senior Vice President
Ollen Machimbirike

Ollen joined Verdant Capital as an Analyst in 2014. He has exceptional experience in the Inclusive Financial Institutions Sector.

He completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree at the University of KwaZulu Natal, majoring in Finance and Economics in 2013. He completed his Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Business Finance (BCHBF) in 2014 at the same institution. He is a Certified Expert in Microfinance with Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.

He holds a B.Com Degree, majoring in Finance and Economics, as well as a B.Com Honours Degree in Business Finance (BCHBF), from the University of KwaZulu-Natal. In his honours research, Ollen covered the aspects of how financial distress can be predicted for companies listed on and for companies delisted from, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE).

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