Finden Sie Ihren Berater
Martijn Ellens

Martijn earned his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Erasmus University Rotterdam, followed by a Master’s in Financial Economics. During his board year with the Financial Study Association Rotterdam (FSR), he became involved with IMAP, where he began his career with an internship in January 2023. After a brief stint elsewhere, he returned to IMAP, drawn by the entrepreneurial work culture, learning opportunities, and the dynamic clients within the Dutch business community.

Martijn is a valuable asset to IMAP. With his strong analytical skills and keen eye for detail, he ensures that projects are executed flawlessly. He contributes to a positive group dynamic and isn’t afraid to think outside the box. Martijn understands the intricacies of M&A processes and combines his business acumen with the human touch necessary to complete deals smoothly and successfully.

Our business is your business growth
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