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Partner & CEO
Jörgen Larsson

Jörgen has been working at IMAP since 2007, and during this time, he has been involved in over 75 transactions across various industries. He has managed sales processes with buyers from numerous countries and continents. Prior to joining IMAP, Jörgen held several positions in the Swedish industry, both in smaller companies and with global organizations such as Volvo and Getinge.

Jörgen holds a degree in mechanical engineering.

Our business is your business growth


Želimo da čujemo od vas. Naš tim je uvek dostupan za razgovor.


Hvala vam na interesovanju za IMAP. Koristite obrazac ispod da nam kažete više o vašoj trenutnoj situaciji i naši će vam se stručnjaci javiti u najkraćem mogućem roku.