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IMAP advises Swedish Vitec Software Group on the acquisition of the Finnish software company Neagen Oy

The software company Neagen develops and delivers medical imaging archiving and viewing solutions. The company reported sales of € 5 million for the financial year 2022.

The software company Neagen develops and delivers medical imaging archiving and viewing solutions. The products NeaLink, NeaRIS and NeaView are central and integrated parts of healthcare IT architecture. Neagen holds a market leading position in Finland, with a majority of the Wellbeing Services Counties as customers. The company reported sales of € 5 million for the financial year 2022.

- Neagen is the market leader in Finland within its vertical. The advanced but user-friendly software enables healthcare professionals to improve diagnostics and decision-making. Neagen is a profitable and well-managed company with an operation that is a good fit with our business model and corporate culture. We are pleased to welcome the new employees to us, says Olle Backman, CEO, Vitec Software Group.

Neagen was founded in 2002 and is headquartered in Oulu, Finland, with additional operations in Helsinki.

- For us, it is crucial to have a long-term owner who is committed to the continued development of the company. I am convinced that together we will continue to develop Neagen for the benefit of our customers today and in the future, says Lasse Jyrkinen, CEO, Neagen.

Vitec is a leading provider of Vertical Software and has its origin and headquarters in Umeå, Sweden. Vitec has 1,380 employees, is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and had net sales of SEK 1,978 million in 2022.

IMAP Finland (Carner Corporate Finance) advised Vitec throughout the process.

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