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Vitale&Co. (IMAP Italy) advises Euricom on agreement with a pool of financial institutions for a loan of 95 million Euros

Euricom is an international Group leader in the processing, packaging, and marketing of rice,

With the aim of strengthening its financial structure, Euricom, international Group leader in the processing, packaging, and marketing of rice, has signed an agreement with a pool of financial institutions for a loan of 95 million Euros, guaranteed by SACE as part of the “Garanzia Italia” program. 

The pool of financial institutions is composed of UniCredit, Banco BPM, Banca Popolare di Sondrio and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.

The Group, leader in Europe and one of the top five players worldwide in the rice-growing sector, operates as producers of private-label foods for large retail chains, and as rice suppliers for the food industry. In 2020 the Group generated consolidated revenues of approx. 650 million Euros.

The loan is aimed to guarantee the investments of the Group, and to provide the necessary support to the Group’s operating business.

Vitale acted as financial advisor, assisting the Group in the definition of the structure, terms and conditions of the transaction and in the negotiations of the agreements with the pool of financial institutions.

Deal value: c. €95m

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