Facile.it Broker di Assicurazioni S.p.A

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Financiële dienstverlening
Facile.it Broker di Assicurazioni S.p.A
Comparison of insurance, financial products and energy tariffs
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
Gruppo Italfinance
Leader in the corporate credit brokerage market
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised on the sale of Italfinance to Facile.it

Vitale (IMAP Italy) assisted the shareholders of Gruppo Italfinance (“Italfinance”) on the sale to Facile.it Broker di Assicurazioni S.p.A. ("Facile").

Italfinance, leader in the corporate credit brokerage market, offers a wide range of services to businesses, including financing and leasing, insurance, banking consultancy, as well as ordinary, extraordinary and international financial services.

This transaction will enable Facile.it to strengthen its service offering for businesses, while Italfinance will benefit from the tech company's technological expertise, continuing to operate under its own brand.

Adviseurs betrokken bij transactie
Our business is your business growth



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