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IMAP Deal Summary Q1-Q3 2020

IMAP closed 117 M&A deals worth over $4.5 billion during Q1-Q3 2020, 31% of which were cross-border. Deals were closed across 15 different sectors, with Technology and Industrials being the most active.

IMAP closed 117 M&A deals worth over $4.5 billion during Q1-Q3 2020, 31% of which were cross-border. Deals were closed across 15 different sectors, with Technology and Industrials being the most active.

Jurgis V. Oniunas, IMAP Chairman, commented: 

"Following the steep drop-off in global M&A activity in Q2, there were signs of renewed transaction activity in Q3 as previously paused deals were reactivated and wellpositioned buyers ventured back to the market. In Q3, IMAP partners around the world closed 43 transactions, marking a 78% rebound from Q2. Moreover, opportunities and mandates continued to surface throughout Q3, which suggests further improvements may be in store for the final quarter of the year.” 

Click here to read the full Q1-Q3 2020 Review 

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