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"The New Normal". A message from IMAP Chairman Jurgis V. Oniunas

It is true, as one of our IMAP partners put it, that we have been turned into Zoom Zombies: online 4-6-8 hours or more a day with co-workers, partners, clients, prospects.

Read the 'Chairman's Letter' introduction to IMAP's publication Creating Value - issue no.9 


The New Normal

It is true, as one of our IMAP partners put it, that we have been turned into Zoom Zombies: online 4-6-8 hours or more a day with co-workers, partners, clients, prospects. Sure, it’s not the same as having a coffee or a lunch or just being able to sit down and exchange thoughts, insights and crazy ideas with co- workers – it’s actually much more intense. As executive coach Dan Sullivan puts it, social distancing these days is a complete misnomer – call it physical distancing, maybe, but we have never had more social interaction.

I have spoken to almost all IMAP teams worldwide over the past couple of months and they are universally pumped-up with new ideas, new approaches, learning from their clients, finding opportunities in the wake of big challenges – in other words, just being IMAP.

A few weeks ago, IMAP published a special edition of Creating Value focused on the Covid-19 Crisis. The publication before you now goes back to fundamentals: in depth “Big Read” pieces about the importance of transforming legacy systems and another which unpacks the characteristics of a well-structured company. And we have case studies of recent collaborative IMAP transactions:

- Canadian and Argentinian IMAP partners seal a deal in the gold mining space. 

- Indian and Czech IMAP partners advise an Indian tier-1 automotive supplier on acquisition of a Slovakia-based manufacturer. 

- The German IMAP team helps guide a business owner who has spent decades building up a company that produces an innovative product in the consumer retail space.

So, in the “New Normal” we will travel less, and when we do travel, the experience will be more difficult. We will have more take-out, but the quality will be better. We will spend more time at home with our families, but that won’t make work any easier. And, at IMAP, we will continue to help clients every day, virtually and physically, as they make the tough decisions to transform ideas into tangible change. 

Stay safe. 


5th June 2020


Click here to read >> IMAP Creating Value - No 9 June 2020 

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