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IMAP advises cable TV channel Klasik TV on sale to technology group Mondo

The IMAP Southeast Europe team, led by Jurgis Oniunas, acted as exclusive financial advisor to KLASIK TV throughout the sale process.

IMAP is pleased to announce that cable TV channel KLASIK TV has been sold to Mondo Inc. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

KLASIK TV is a cable TV channel that specializes in the distribution of classic Yugoslavian movies and series. In operation since 2010, it has coverage in all ex-Yugoslavian countries, as well as several other countries across the world with strong diaspora.

Based in Belgrade, Serbia, Mondo Inc. is a regional technology company and part of Wireless Media Group. With this transaction, Mondo became 100% owner of the KLASIK TV channel.

The IMAP Southeast Europe team, led by Jurgis Oniunas, acted as exclusive financial advisor to KLASIK TV throughout the sale process.

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