IMAP’s Spring 2024 Conference in Sâo Paulo, hosted by Brasilpar-IMAP Brazil, was attended by over 80 IMAP delegates, representing 28 countries. In parallel to the general conference agenda, IMAP Analysts and Associates (A&A) from LATAM participated in a regional A&A meeting. These meetings reflect IMAP’s commitment to facilitate training for its future leaders, as well as retaining key talent.
Day One
The conference kicked off with a Symposium held at the stunning Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP). Over 150 external guests including clients and PE were invited to join the IMAP delegates, who received a fascinating insight into the country’s quest to remain a bio-diverse repository while embracing its stature as an agricultural powerhouse from keynote speaker, Fernando de Castro Reinach, a Brazilian biologist, researcher, entrepreneur, and columnist.
Afterwards there was a private tour of the museum and its current special collections followed by networking cocktails where guests had the chance to mingle, as well as meet with Mr. Reinach.
Day Two
With a packed agenda, we turned our attention to our host country’s economy, with its long-term development and prospects the topic of discussion by guest speaker and Head of Economic Research at Julius Baer Brasil & Researcher at the Brazilian Institute of Economics (IBRE), Samuel de Abreu Pessôa.
Boasting large markets in every industry still not fully untapped and known for its willingness and ability to adapt to and adopt new technologies, Brazil is an increasingly attractive strategic option for multinationals looking for a ladder to expand the business. At the same time, there are many Brazilian multinationals looking to expand into new international markets and expand their global footprint, driving an increase in cross-border M&A opportunities. Sharing their own experiences as companies founded and/or operating in Brazil and expansion strategies, we were delighted to be joined by esteemed guests from important local multinationals and multinationals who have made Brazil a second home, to participate in panel discussions and Q&A sessions with our IMAP colleagues.
We also heard from IMAP dealmakers who shared learnings and best practices from recent key transactions and there was also a prize-giving ceremony for the winners of the IMAP 2023 Awards. In the afternoon there was time on the agenda dedicated to IMAP bi-lateral sessions enabling our dealmakers to discuss cross-border M&A opportunities for their clients with their international colleagues.
The evening was rounded off with a sit-down gala dinner at the stunning Tangará Palace.
Day Three
As the conference came to a close, we looked inwards with a powerful and though-provoking session with Olivia Ferris from Capstone Partners – IMAP USA, who shed light on the implications of AI for businesses and how to maximize its potential in M&A processes, as well as mitigate its current limitations.
Claire Smedley and Kirsten Haack from IMAP HQ also took to the stage to discuss the importance of ensuring the integrity of the brand, and content lead generation. They were joined by Jasper Strauch and Vicente Mansen from creative agency Klickbait who discussed understanding and leveraging the marketing funnel to ensure you provide the right content, to the right people, at the right time.
The conference was closed by IMAP Chairman and Managing Partner of IMAP Southeast Europe (SEE), Jurgis V. Oniunas, with a "goodbye, and see you in Croatia", as IMAP SEE will be the host of the IMAP Fall 2024 Conference in Zagreb this October.
Thank you to our conference hosts, Brasilpar – IMAP Brazil for making this conference so special, to all our guest speakers for sharing your time with us, and to all our IMAP colleagues for travelling from around the world to be with us.
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