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Over 100 Guests Attend IMAP UK M&A Event on the Thames in London

On 23 May 2024, IMAP UK hosted 100+ clients and guests from corporate, PE, and the financial advisory world for a cruise on the Thames to celebrate IMAP’s 50th anniversary.

Under some of the most beautiful and famous bridges in London, guests enjoyed an evening of cocktails, dinner, and networking.

Following a brief history of IMAP by Jurgis V. Oniunas, Chairman of IMAP, Karri Vuori, Managing Partner of IMAP UK outlined some of the ambitious developments coming up in the UK including senior hires, new product lines, and regional growth.

The event was also attended by many IMAP colleagues who had travelled from countries around Europe, including France, Hungary, Italy, Denmark, Germany, and Spain.  

Karri Vuori

Managing Partner


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